Staple millenial pink pieces you can find on the high street

Millennial pink on the high street

The fashion industry has been tickled pink by this popular colour. This has been on the runway but also the high street. Here are our top 15  pink picks on the high street that caught our eye and you can get them as they are from stores that almost every city will have! These sites also have online stores apart from Primark (if only) and the online links to each item are listed below.

1. Zara £49.99

2. Topshop £79

3. New Look £34.99

4. H&M £7.99

5. Zara £29.99

6. H&M £17.99

 7. Topshop £32

8. New Look £27.99

9. New Look £19.99

10. Primark £9

11. Fjallraven, 
Urban Outfitters £75

12. River Island £5

13. Nike SB, Urban Outfitters £16

14. Obey, Urban Outfitters £30

15. H&M  £17.99


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Links to the 15 items
10. ...Sorry this is that bag from Primark who sadly don't have an online site *cries*


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